Job interview tips -- the day of the interview

The first job interview is an essential test for getting a job, and there is no doubt that all of us feel overwhelmed when invited to it. In this video, we give you practical tips to prepare for this important stage, and what you should expect to happen during it.


A job interview starts with the first impression you make when you arrive, that's why it's important to keep in mind the following:

● Be respectful to all the people you encounter, from the person in charge of the car park to the security guard, the secretary, and anyone else.

● Introduce yourself and who you are going to meet.

● Sit upright in the waiting room.

● When the person who wants to meet you arrives, or when you enter their office, it is important to stand up, look them in the eye, and smile. Say hello to him firmly and say your name.

● Make a great first impression, be serious, and avoid joking.

● Keep smiling because it gives the impression that you are an optimistic person. Sit in an upright position and keep your eyes on the person facing you. Do not look at the floor, ceiling, or wall.

● Be honest and confident in yourself and your answers, assertive without raising your voice, and most importantly keep your phone on silent. 


Content of the interview:

The interview usually tackles your life path to try to understand your background, your personality, and how you make decisions. The interviewer will also ask you about your views of your future, the motivation behind your progress, why you chose this company and why this job motivated you to apply for it. Your answers must be clear and deep at the same time.

You will also be asked about your skills to ensure that you have the right specifications for the job. It is important, to be honest and not increase your skills and responsibilities in the previous job, especially since the person who meets you is always looking for honesty, and this makes you more comfortable as well.


You should focus on your strengths, and explain why you think your specialty and experience are a good fit for the job you are applying for.


Through your answers, tell about examples that happened to you in your previous job, how you were solving technical problems, and about the good results that you were achieving, as companies hire people who overcome their problems and find solutions.


In addition, always try to find similarities between your skills and the job specifications required by your interviewer.

And remember not to say bad things about the former company or the former officials, as this makes a bad impression on the interviewer.


When the interview is over, ask about the second interview, who will it be with, and when you can find out the result, and ask for a business card for the interviewer so that you can thank them after the interview for their time by sending an email telling them about the good impression you had about the company and the dynamics of the employees there.

And don't forget when you leave to greet the people who are there.